Get the Peloton experience for less | Loving Fitness

Nov 5, 2021
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Working out at home has always been a popular alternative to the gym. However, when the pandemic hit, the need to fill our time with anything other than the hour slot we were allowed to venture out was appealing. That led to the rise of several brands giving you a more immersive fitness experience. Although in most cases, they come with a hefty price tag.

The most obvious candidate for this description is Peloton, where a bike could set you back anywhere from £1,500. That’s paired with a monthly subscription fee to give you access to classes, challenges and other features. The concept is great – who doesn’t love an invigorating workout in the comfort of your own home? But is there a cheaper way?

In short, yes! If you’re looking to break a sweat without breaking the bank, check out this easy and cost-effective alternative with Loving Fitness…

Buy or hire an exercise bike

Forking out thousands for an exercise bike and workout subscriptions is unrealistic for many people. Fortunately, there’s a great alternative that’s affordable and still perfect for everyday workouts – the CycleFit exercise bike.

With two models available for under £300, this equipment comes at a fraction of the cost. But it is still robust and compact enough to fit into your lifestyle. CycleFit has everything you need for a great ride. Monitor calories burnt, distance ridden and speed all from a high-definition console. Plus, if buying outright isn’t for you right now, there’s also the option to hire on a term to suit you.

Set up essentials

Once you’ve got the bike sorted, it’s on to a range of essentials to mimic the Peloton experience, including:


You don’t have to have fancy footwear to use the Fitness Loving CycleFit bike. But a good pair of trainers is handy for comfort and support.

Cycling fitness apps

If you want an immersive experience while you ride, there is a range of apps that lead the way. While many dedicated indoor cycling apps are designed for smart bikes, other apps keep you motivated while you ride a traditional exercise bike.

For example, Studio Sweat onDemand puts you through your paces with classes you can stream to your smartphone or TV. Membership costs just over £15 a month. Other options, such as Les Mills, offer high-intensity training classes for a monthly or annual charge.

YouTube is also an excellent option for workouts. Global Cycle Network’s channel provides HIIT style indoor cycling workouts for free. However, you’ll have to pay for the premium subscription to remove annoying adverts.

Water bottle

While there’s water on tap from the kitchen, it’s far easier to reach for a bottle when you’re mid-cycle. There are plenty of secure water bottles to choose from. Best of all, CycleFit comes with a bottle holder, so it’s always to hand.

Get started today

Setting up your own DIY Peloton experience doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. Our CycleFit exercise bikes can form the main part of your home exercise set-up, with some inexpensive extras like apps and water bottles to complete the experience.

Buy online today – or hire for as long as you like – to take the first steps towards your fitness goals.

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